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Work with Me

Are you interested in working with me? Here’s how to get started.


Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. You can do that right here.


Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of our call.


Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.


Step 4. At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll consult! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit before you commit.


Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Pitch Perfect Book Proposal Program

A 12-week course for writers who want to craft their book proposal to attract traditional publishing representation. Each week you will watch 30 - 45 minute teaching video and have homework assignments that by the end of the 12 weeks will build up to a completed, quality proposal ready for submission to be considered by publishers. 

*DIY available upon request


Query Letter Course 

Are you searching for a Literary Agent? Do you have the proper tools and knowledge on how to attract their attention? A query letter is a formal letter sent to literary agents, magazines and sometimes publishing houses. The query letter is an author's first step towards getting their manuscript published. You have one page - less than 400 words to win over your reader.  Make sure every word counts. 

*DIY available upon request 



Copyediting requires deep knowledge of grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, word length, etc. It's the literal "correcting" stage. It's a great opportunity to provide feedback such as if the reader is able to follow the story without distraction. Copyeditors make sure the manuscript is logical and the readability flows well. This is typically where individual publishing company provide their own style sheets or use the Chicago Manual of Style and/or the Christian Writer's Manual of Style. 



Simply put, proofreaders catch spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. This is the final stage of the editorial process, after a manuscript has been corrected by a copy editor. Outside of page numbering, headers and footers, consistency with table of contents, a proofreader is ensuring that any web links go to the right webpage, checking biblical references, etc. Proofreading is not the time to revise, rewrite or delete because the interior page designer is up next. 

Let's Work Together

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